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[" Epidemic "line convenience] five-step operation to achieve medicine delivery and care

Hits:Updated:2022-11-11 14:11:14【Print】

To meet the needs of the public during the epidemic, Yinzhou District has launched online medicine and care delivery service. For details, see the following operations:
Step 1:
Download "Zhejiang Office" APP


Step 2:
Entering into Yinling Health - Consultation and delivery of medicine - Rapid prescription or on-site nursing


Step 3:
Enter the drug name, drug quantity, clinical diagnosis and other information


Step 4:
Receive electronic prescription text message and complete online payment


Step 5:
The medicine will be delivered to the household within 48 hours, and part of the insurance reimbursement will be paid into the account after 1 month


In addition
Patients who do not have access to smartphones can call 87731130 to inform them of the medicine they need to purchase and deliver, and the medicine will be delivered within 24 to 48 hours. During the epidemic, the online distribution of diagnosis and treatment drugs will be reimbursed by medical insurance. The relevant medical expenses will be settled by the insured personnel at their own expense in advance, and then the medical insurance center will directly transfer the reimbursement expenses into the financial account of the insured personnel's social security card. For home care applications, call 87223705 or 4008-590-590.



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